Friday 3 October 2014

Terry Fox Foundation

Terry Fox
 Terry Fox had cancer through out his knee and ended up with a artificial leg, Terry Fox was an athlete,humanitarian, and a cancer research activist. With one leg cut off in 1980, he went across Canada to raise money and awareness for cancer research. But after 143 days and 5, 373 kilometers, Terry's Cancer had spread through his lungs, and he had to be driven to the hospital and his marathon ended at Thunder Bay. He raised up to $600 Million dollars to cancer research. He was the youngest ever named a Companion of Order of Canada. Terry wanted to raise 1 million, then 10 million, and then $1 for every Canadian. When Terry Fox was younger he was into basketball but wasn't that good at it, and his coach recommended marathon running but he wasn't into it but to please his coach he did, but he was determined to play basketball even if he's just a substitute. Later on he got into a car accident and that's when he felt a pain in his knee but ignored it, and i think he just shook it off, and later on it got worse and worse, and then he got cancer in his knee and his leg had to be amputated. With the help of his artificial leg he began walking, and playing golf with his dad, doctors were impressed by Terry's progress, and it was a positive outlook, Terry had endured 16 months of chemotherapy and found that when he was spending time in Britain it was hard to watch his fellow cancer patients, after Fox's treatment ended he wanted to find the courage in everyone.

Terry Fox Cancer Research Foundation

Terry Fox Running the "Marathon of Hope"

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