Monday 27 October 2014

Halloween Part A: Story

                                                                 "The Consumer"

On every Halloween night there was a creature, not just any creature but a terrifying creature. This creature is called "The Consumer" you must be asking why do they call this thing "The Consumer" well because on every Halloween night this creature would posses a child and eat the child's love ones, the creature will keep going until he is discovered, once discovered he will not show up until the next Halloween night. "Happy Halloween" everyone!
Edited Version (creepier) 
non edited (hmm ok)

Halloween Part A

Halloween is celebrated each October 31st but how did it get started? That is why i'm going to tell you.
Halloween had many names such as Hallowe'en, Allhalloween, All Hallow's Eve, and All Saints' Eve.
About 2000 years ago there were a group called "Celts", the Celts celebrated the 31st of October as new years eve with a festival called "Samhain", named after their dark lord well the "Lord of Darkness."In order to celebrate "Samhain" the Druids would build sacred bonfires around so the celts would burn crops and animals for Sacrifice for their ancient gods, during the "Samhain" the celts would dress up in costumes made of animal heads and skin. By 800 AD the influence of Christianity spread through the Celtic lands, November 1st was All Saints' Day then later All-Hallows or Allhallowmas, then the night of Samhain was eventually called All-Hallows Eve and eventually Halloween. As of today we still call it Halloween and we celebrate it by going to every house we see and knock on the door and say "treak-or-treat" and get candy, we still dress up in costumes just not from animal heads, and skins but our favourite characters from Halloween, we also decorate our houses to make it creepy to walk up to.

Thursday 23 October 2014

10. Digital Media Pass

The back
the Front

9. Digital Manipulation of Photographs

This is Austin, he let me manipulate his face
I made his eyes bigger, liquified his ears and lips, and nose
this is the completed version, added green to make him freak and added a blurry effect
Thank you to Hardita
liquified his lips, brows, made his eyes bigger
final version: colored his lips brows hair orange, and added a effect
thank you to Jakob
made him happy with by liquifying, eyes bigger, and nose pinched in
final version: added a spotlight effect
then theres me Naldo
made the eyes bigger, liquidfied the whites of my eyes, brows, mouth, and pinched the corners of my glasses
finished version: tried to make it scary so i added red eyes some effects and cinematic bars
basketball next to the skatepark
made it darker so it looks like noon
finished: made it look sunnier and darkened the edges

Tuesday 21 October 2014

8. Digital Tools - the Camera

This photo is located near the changing room at the gym. i used the Golden rule and vertical and horizontal lines in this photo. My eyes are leading up to the door.
I took this photo at the courtyard, it was raining but i manged to get a good shot at the Dream, Believe, Achieve. I used the points of Power.
When ever anyone walks up these stairs they can read the words Dream, Believe, Achieve and many more. I used vertical and horizontal lines.
I've used this photo before but this was one of my perfect timed shots for it was sunny at the time and made Oblique Lines for me to take a photo of. This is in front of the school, when anyone walks in they see Dream, Believe, Achieve.
I have also used this photo before but i couldn't find any better curved lines. This photo is taken back at the skate park.

Friday 17 October 2014

Aaron Nelson-Moody Video

                   The first video is uploaded to youtube because it was too long for blogspot.

                                                                      second video

Thursday 16 October 2014

What's Happening in ACSS

Aaron Nelson-Moody

Aaron Nelson-Moody
Aka "Splash" Visited ACSS high-school to demonstrate art and crafting to some students in our carpentry class. Aaron was also asked to demonstrate his skill and talk a little about himself and aboriginal history. He started his interest as a young boy when his grandfather and other family would carve, and teach him too carve. he has spent 12 years at schools all across Canada and some parts of Scotland and japan teaching others and telling his stories and the stories of his ancestors.

the tools

Aaron told us a little about the tools he used, he said he used three basic tools. 
The straight blade, the Hook blade, and Bent blade 

If he were to carve for example a totem pole, he would use the same tools just bigger.
Depending on where you live depends on the tools you use and how you use them. Aaron said he went to New York to learn their style of cutting and the man their learn from Aaron   

the two main knives

the progression of no face to a face

Some carving

Old school vice
 By: Daniel, and Naldo

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Composition In Digital Photography Part B

These are my photos of all the composition

                  Rule of Thirds:                                                              
This is my edited version
This is the non edited one

                   Curved Lines:
My edited version

non edited version
Vertical and Horizontal Lines:
My edited version
non edited version
                 Oblique Lines:
edited version

non edited
               Points of Power:
Edited version
The Golden Rule:

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Composition In Digital Photography Part A

Composition Photography is like showing a picture in your own way and not just some regular way but a creative way. In photography you must have creativity in your photo's and not just a regular picture of fish or something but something "out of this world." (Hehehe out of this world)

Rule of Thirds: the rule of thirds is "the rule of thumb" or guidelines which apply to showing visual images such as designs, films, painting, and photographs.

Points of Power: The points that guide you while taking a photo ( this is a guess because i couldn't find info about it)                  
The Golden Rule:

Vertical and Horizontal Lines: To draw the eyes up or down to draw the attention to the photo.

Oblique Lines: Makes the photo's more dynamic, and is a diagonal line.

Curved Lines: This shows the beauty and charm of the photo, and draws attention to the photo.

Golden Rule

Friday 3 October 2014

Terry Fox Run

Terry and Isadore
The Terry Fox run is held in many regions around the world in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox, and the Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research. The Terry Fox run was founded by Isadore Sharp, Isadore Sharp had lost a son to cancer in 1979 and Isadore contacted Terry and asked if he could host a run dedicating to the marathon of Hope, the Terry Fox Run was held every year, the first was in 1981. The Terry Fox Foundation has raised over $600 Million dollars, The Terry Fox Foundation was founded in 1988 after it split from the Canadian Cancer Society. Participating is the most important in this run, during terry's cross-Canada run he turned down every support for he felt that it would reduce the value of his goal of creating public awareness. When the event happens people can go as creative as they want to raise money for Terry's Cancer Research such as shave their heads, dye hair, leg wax, and ask friends or families to shave their heads.

Terry Fox run (or walk o.o, that one guy with the sunglasses though)
Terry running with a crowd 
Thank u to Phi, Austin,and Jackie for letting me take pictures

Happy friends with that sun! (Praise The Sun!) \[T]/