Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Social Media Safety!!

                Social Media Safety

 The presentation from Darren was very interesting about what he showed about the internet and the people on the internet. He showed the audience that you could be tracked, hacked, and easily ruin your career because of the picture you upload on any of your social media you use. I learned that i need to check my privacy and to be careful of what i click on, and to help my friends i would probably see what they uploaded and say to them to not upload any of those kind of inappropriate photos again, and to spread this i would tell my friends to look out for their friends. If i were to alert people about this i would ask friends to tell there friends and their family members to be very cautious about posting anything on social media, so if say i talk to my friend about it, and he wants to alert his family,and when he does alert his family about it then his families friends would be alerted by them. I do believe that the presentation was indeed useful because some of the things he said i didn't know about, most of them i knew, but he had great ones that i have never heard of.

Some Links:

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